Project Description

The Amigos Basic Needs program partners with local organizations to provide families with food, basic hygiene supplies, rent/utility assistance, furniture, referrals for social/legal services and dissemination of critical information. Amigos hosts an annual toy drive and holiday celebration for the Latinx children and their families.

To support our efforts with a monetary contribution, please click on the yellow donate button on the right side of the screen.

What Families Are Saying

“Pues a mi en lo personal me a ayudado muchos pues yo soy madre soltera de 5 niňos todas menores de edad lo que dan me a servido de mucho para alimentar a mis hijos y estoy muy agradecida con todos los miembros de grupo amigos latinos por lo que hacen por nuestra comunidad muchas gracias a todos los hacen esto posible.”

“Personally, [the Amigos Food Pantry program] has helped me a lot. I am a single mother of five children. The program has helped me a lot to feed my children. I am very thankful to all the members of Amigos for everything they do for our community. Thank you to everyone who makes this possible”

“Este programa ha sido de gran ayuda, sobre todo porque los productos que nos han dado son los que nosotros como latinos conocemos y consumimos..gracias!”

“This program has been of great help, especially because all the products we have been given are the ones that we, as Latino families, consume…. Thank you!”

“Nos ayudado mucho porque con esta pandemia, muchos nos quedamos sin trabajo y con esta ayuda hemos sobrevivido”

“[The Amigos Food Pantry program] has helped us a lot. Due to this pandemic, many of us lost our jobs. Thanks to this aid, we have been able to make it through”