From then to now…

Six years ago a seed was planted…in the minds and hearts of Dominican young adults.  In a weekend retreat outside the town of Bani, DR, they learned how to read music, how to perform as ensemble and soloist musicians, how to dream big about things musical: vocation/avocation/education/spiritual growth. They wanted more….They listened, then played in the Capital City of Santo Domingo at the prestigious UNPHU auditorium at the collaborative “Music Ed Fest” to learn about Dominican musical heritage, American jazz, and to see their heroes on-stage teach and perform, and share lessons in life…They jammed on stage before the eyes and ears of their mentors, established new friendships, and some jumped headlong through these connections into a musical career, at the renowned Musical Conservatory and University…some even flew to Indiana for a cultural exchange visit.  One of the teachers, renowned percussionist Miguel Montas, visited and performed in Indianapolis at the venerated Jazz Kitchen and at The Indy Jazz Fest.  They wanted more….This year Music Ed Fest had intended to call to the Conservatory an exciting December 1 program of music as a tool for wellness, highlighting art therapies, and in a context of global awareness,    but as the erratic Covid 19 pandemic has dictated the conduct of entire societies, the Music Ed Fest may take the form of a teleconference with guest presenters linked internationally in a “megaZoom”to our target youthful recipients.     

Music Ed Fest evaluates every year by giving students “pre-” and “post-” surveys, taking attendance, asking questions and remaining engaged through WhatsApp.